Parish Council

See also Council Information

9th Jan 2025

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Link to AONB letter

Link to the Thixendale Village plan of 2009 on the Rydale website

Sep 19th 2024

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AGM May 24th 2024

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Feb 22nd 2024

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Nov 23rd 2023

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Aug 24th 2023

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Annual Audit and Accounts 2022-2023

May 18th 2023

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Annual Audit and Accounts 2021-2022

September 15th 2022

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May 19th 2022

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December 2nd 2021

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August 19th 2021

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May 20th 2021

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Annual Audit and Accounts 2020-2021

March 20th 2020

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January 16th 2020

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November 14th 2019

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July 11th 2019

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May 9th 2019

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March 14th 2019

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November 8th 2018

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October 4th 2018

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May 10th 2018

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March 8th 2018

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November 9th 2017

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July 13th 2017

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Minutes January 12th 2017

Present :- Mr. G. McIlroy, Mr. C. Brader, Mrs. E. Birrell, Mr. D. Griffin, Mr. K. Tumman, Mrs. J. Scothern.

Minutes of last meeting signed as a true record.

Matters arising Mr. Griffin has reported the many potholes needing attention to the relevant department once again.

No further action can be taken to install a Village Defibrillator until new round of grants start in next financial year.

It was agreed to purchase a mirror for installation on a village highway blind spot. Mr. Tumman will organise purchase and Mr. Brader will put it into place.

There has been no further information on B.T. Plans to decommission the public phone box.

An update on progress of fast broadband states that in June of this year it is expected to be set into place by B.T. If everything looks favourable.

The subject of dog fouling mentioned in the village newsletter has not solved the problem. A letter to all households will now be delivered highlighting the need to pick up after their pooch. A replacement bin will be purchased to be installed on roadside near V. Hall.

Financial update £2141.11p Credit.

Next meeting March 9th.

May 16th to include annual meeting and ordinary meeting. Parish meeting on same night at 7p.m. open to all.

July 13th, Sept.14th, Nov.9th.

Minutes October 20th. 2016

Apologies Mrs. E . Birrell, Mrs. J. Scothern

Present Mr. G. McIlroy, Mr. K. Tumman, Mr. C. Brader, Mr. D. Griffin, Mrs. J. Sanderson.

Mr. McIlroy introduced Mrs. Sanderson who kindly agreed to come and give update on the progress of the fast broadband installation in this area.

Minutes last meeting signed as a true record.

Mrs. Sanderson reported current information on the progress of fast broadband for the area. Phase 2 is due to be completed by end of 2017. This is pro ported to give 25mgb to 91% of the area. Thixendale is within this phase.

Phase 3 procurement is in progress and the outcome should give blanket coverage of 95% by 2019.

Matters Arising:- Highways departments’ policy does not provide for the installation of mirrors for any reason on the highway. It was proposed the Parish council to install one following a cost analysis by Mr. Tumman.

Part of Martinholme road is scheduled to be resurfaced in the near future. Meanwhile patching will be done on potholes until repair is done on mass.

Mr. Griffin will once again report potholes.

Financial update £1,701.11p credit.

Reports of dog fouling was highlighted in a news letter which is distributed round the village stating that the problem will be looked into.

BT. have issued a 41 day notice in the telephone booth stating they intend to remove the public phone service. The local population were advised to contact Ryedale with their comments. This can be a problem in the area due to no mobile phone coverage.

At the parish liaison meeting it was stated that ward meetings should be to prioritise local needs

Next Meeting January 12th 2017.

Minutes August 25th 2016

Apologies Mrs. E. Birrell

Present Mr. G. McIlroy, Mr. C. Brader, Mrs. J. Scothern, Mr.D. Griffin, Mr. K. Tumman.

Matters arising:- The Village Hall committee has agreed to undertake the installation of a village Defibrillator. Mr. McIlroy has offered to organise the funding and ordering of the machine.

A letter received from the environment and business service states that Martinhome road is on a list of roadworks to be done but remaining roads are not listed for repair.

Financial update £1701.11p credit.

Mr. Tumman will contact the highways dept. regarding the installation of a vision mirror set on a signpost on a nearby highway in regard to one being required at a blind spot in the village.

A resident commented that village signs were obscured by roadside greenery. Some cutting back is carried out by residents when they can.

A glass Pane has been broken at the telephone booth. This will be replaced.

Next meeting Oct. 20th 2016, 7pm Village Hall.

Minutes May 19th 2016

Present Mr. G. McIlroy, Mr. C. Brader, Mrs. E. Birrell, Mrs. J. Scothern, Mr. K. Tumman, Mr.D. Griffin.

Matters arising:- Broadband update. A meeting to include Mr. Hollingrake and Mrs. J. Sanderson will take place on June 10th to discuss progress of fast broadband for this area. Mr. K. Tumman will try to attend. It is thought fibre optic may be accessible from Fridaythorpe. Mr D. Griffin offered to contact B.T. to find out what their intentions may be.

Mr. Tumman will contact Highways department again to highlight the problems of the blind corner in the village. Also it was suggested that more potholes need attention and that the repairs should be monitored for quality of repair. Mr. Griffin offered to draft a letter for the highway department.

Defibrillator. Without a lockable cabinet and no training the cost of installing a machine £750.00+VAT. £400.00 to be found locally, the rest a donation from heart foundation. Mr. McIlroy will take the information to the village hall committee to see if they are willing to take the project on and locate the cabinet at the village hall.

Financial update:- £1776.01 credit. The annual accounts were agreed as a true record.

Parish Meeting. There was no attendance at this meeting.

Next meeting June 30th, 7pm.

Minutes February 11th 2015

Apologies:- Mrs. J. Scothern

Minutes of last meeting signed as a true record.

Matters Arising:- The rock salt for winter road use has arrived but no salt bins as yet. The highways department will supply this for Gritts Hill road and part of Fotherdale Hill road.

Highways will not consider installation of a mirror at base of Martinholme road regarded locally as a blind junction when entering the village. Mr. Tumman will enquire further about this.

Financial update:- £1909.09 credit.

The council has agreed to pay the cost of broadband line rental in the village hall as usual.

Mr. Tumman will visit HSBC in regard to change of mailing address and signatures.

The damaged bench well used east of the village will be looked into by the council to perhaps pay for a replacement once the adjacent house building is finished.

New Post Office hours may commence April/May. Post Office yet to announce this.

The highways department are looking into a drainage system to cure the flood water that accumulates on the highway east of the village.

It was proposed by Mr. McKilroy to co-opt Mr. D. Griffin on to the council. This was seconded by Mr. K. Tumman.

Mrs. L. Boyes has resigned due to moving from the parish.

Next meeting A.G.M May 19th 2016. This follows the Annual Parish Meeting 7pm. Ordinary meeting will follow A.G.M.

Minutes July 9th 2015

Apologies:- Mr. C. Brader.

Present:- Mr. G. McIlroy, Mr. K. Tumman, Mrs. E. Birrell, Mrs. L. Boyes, Mrs. J. Scothern

Minutes of last meeting signed as a true record.

Matters Arising:- Mrs. Birrrell put forward information about projected cost of installing a community defibrillator. Running costs approx. £50 annually. The recommended machine and installation costs approx £750 + VAT.

It was agreed Mrs. Birrell go ahead and organise the purchase of the equipment following final enquiries are satisfactory.

Grants may be available. This can be pursued when agreement finalised.

Financial update:- £2253.41 credit. Mt. Tumman will present a review of precept for next financial year.

Salt bins needed for Fotherdale Road will be pursued with the parish council paying the costs before winter.

Next meeting Thursday 10th September, 7pm Village Hall.

Minutes May 21st 2015

Apologies:- Mr. C. Brader.

Present:- Mr. G. McIlroy, Mr. K. Tumman, Mrs. E. Birrell, Mrs. L. Boyes, Mrs. J. Scothern

No matters arising.

Plan for a mobile phone mast to be erected at the top of Martinholme road have been agreed.

Financial update £2253.41 credit.

Fibre optic cable has now been installed at Fridaythorpe.

Installation of a defibrillator (O.E.D) can be obtained with funding from the British Heart Foundation. Mrs. Birrell will contact Emma Scott for further information.

Green road salt bins will be useful. Mr. McIlroy will contact the highways department for placement on Fotherdale road. The parish will pay for these along with the necessary salt.

Next meeting July 29th 2015, 7pm

Election of Parish Councillors – April 2015

As a result of an uncontested election, the Parish Councillors for Thixendale Parish are:

  • Birrell, Eileen
  • Boyes, Lynne Elizabeth
  • Brader, Alan Charles
  • McIlroy, Gordon John
  • Scothern, Jo-Anne
  • Tumman, Karl Anthony

Minutes April 2nd 2015

Apologies:- Mr S. Bence.

Present:- Mr. C. Brader, Mrs. E. Birrell, Mrs. J. Scothern, Mrs. L. Boyes, Mr. G. McIlroy, Mr. K. Tumman

Minutes of last meeting signed as a true record.

Matters Arising:- Road repair to east end of the village appears to be on the agenda of road repairs scheduled between now and September 2015.

A comprehensive report by Mr. Tumman shows Thixendale is not officially on the agenda to receive fast broadband.

The highway’s grass cutting section now only cut verges which may create a hazard to traffic. All cosmetic cutting has ceased due to financial restraints.

Financial update: £1939.41 in credit.

Once again a B.T. offer to buy the phone box was rejected wishing it to remain in use due to no mobile phone coverage.

Date of next meeting to be arranged as annual meeting.