About Thixendale
The population of the parish is around 130, which includes the surrounding farms, but excludes the sheep. These outnumber us by a large margin.
We have the reputation for being isolated, particularly in the winter, with all incoming roads being single track. However many visitors, cyclists and walkers find it a worthwhile village to seek out and explore.
There is controversy over the meaning of the name ‘Thixendale’. Some suggestions are:
- Sixteen Dales: there are said to be 16 dales that lead in to Thixendale. See how many you can find! (Or ask for some help).
- Sigsten’s Valley: Sigsten/Sigsteinn is an old Scandinavian name. (Sixtedale/Sixtendale/Xistendale in the 1086 Domesday book)
Many people ask about the curious undulating landscape of the area. As many know, the Wolds form part of a chalk belt running from the English Channel to Flamborough Head. The chalk is made from the shells of sea creatures which fell to the sea-bed millions of years ago. It appears that the tremendous earth movements which created the Alps had the effect of raising the sea-bed upwards to create the landscape we now see.
For B&B see the Cross Keys Pub
Food and drink can be found at the Cross Keys Pub.
Teas are served at the Village Hall on Sundays from 11am to 4pm.